Third International Workshop on Bin
Packing and
Placement Constraints
associated to the 7th International Conference on the Integration
of Artificial
Intelligence and Operations Research techniques in
Constraint Programming CPAIOR
14.30-15.00 Laure Devendeville, Serge Dumont,
and Sylvain Lefebvre.Algorithms for
Constrained Best-Fit Alignment
15.00-15.30 Cédric Pinto and
SAT encoding for
Multi-dimensional Packing Problems
15.30-16.00 Helmut Simonis and Tarik Hadzic.An Energy Cost
Aware Cumulative
Coffee break
16.30-17.00 Cláudio
Rita Macedo and José Valério de Carvalho.Solving the pattern
minimization problem with
branch-and-price and constraint programming
17.00-17.30 Hadrien Cambazard and Barry O'Sullivan.A Study of Lower
Bounds based on Dynamic Programming for
Bin Packing
17.30-18.00 Nikolaus Furian and Siegried Vössner.Constrained Order
Packing-Comparison of Heuristic
Approaches for a New Bin Packing Problem
Bin Packing and Placement problems are an old but still challenging
that has been tackled with different approaches.
On the one hand, the aim of this workshop is to share recent progress
made on pure problems by using any technique (or the mix) like Mixed
Integer Linear Programming, Local Search, or Constraint Programming.
On the other hand, the aim is to presentchallenging problems
formulated and/or solved by these methods, or challenging extensions
have a practical interest and for which pure methods do not directly
Submitted papers can be
* Extended Abstracts of new results or
* Abstract of ongoing works
* System presentations (with demos at the
* Summaries of already accepted or recently
published results
on any topic concerning bin packing and placement constraints.
Submission style is the standard llncs style. Page limit is 6 pages
(authors can refer to long papers but only short papers will be
By submitting a paper to BPPC'10, the authors commit that, if the paper
is accepted, at least one author willl present the paper at the