Welcome to Elisabetta De Maria's Homepage
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Elisabetta De Maria.
Date of Birth: 15/10/1981.
Place of Birth: Conegliano (TV), Italy.
Nationality: Italian.
Civil Status: Single.
- July 2000: "Diploma di liceo Scientifico" (Secondary School leaving examination) awarded after five years at liceo Scientifico Statale "G. Marconi", Conegliano (TV), Italy. Evaluation: 100/100.
- July 2003: "Laurea di primo livello" (First Level Degree) in Computer Science at University of Udine. Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude. Thesis: "Gestione di vincoli temporali in sistemi di workflow".
- July 2005: "Laurea specialistica" (Master Degree) in Computer Science at University of Udine. Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude. Thesis: "Verifica di schemi di workflow con vincoli temporali mediante automi temporizzati".
- March 2009: Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science at University of Udine. Thesis: "Computer Science Logic for Structure Prediction, String Comparison, and Biological Pathway Analysis".
This is the list of the 6 exams I successfully passed during the first months of my Ph. D. course.
- January 2006 : "Decidability of Logics over (infinite) graphs", prof. Didier Caucal, IRISA-CNRS, Rennes, France.
- April 2006 : "Statistics for user interface evaluation", prof. Monique Noirhomme, University of Namur, Belgium.
- May 2006 : "Implicit Conputational Complexity", prof. Simone Martini, University of Bologna, Italy.
- June 2006 : "linguaggi e Modelli del Global Computing", prof. Marina Lenisa and prof. Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy.
- July 2006 : "Quantum Computing", prof. B.G. Sidharth, Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad, India.
- August 2006 : "Teoria degli Operatori", prof. Fabio Zanolin, University of Udine, Italy.
Schools, workshops, conferences and stays abroad
- November 2005: "On The Move" (OTM) 2005, Ayia Napa, Cyprus.
- March 2006: "Bertinoro International Spring School
for Graduate Studies in Computer Science" (BISS) 2006, Bertinoro (FC), Italy. In this school I attended the following courses:
- Access Control Systems for Database Systems (ACS), prof. Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA.
- Calculi and Languages for Distributed Mobile Computation (CLD), prof. Rocco De Nicola, University of Firenze, Italy.
- Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC), prof. Simone Martini, University of Bologna, Italy.
- Data Mining (DM), prof. Rosa Meo, University of Torino, Italy.
- June 2006: Workshop on "Analisi sperimentale e benchmark di algoritmi per l'Intelligenza Artificiale", Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale, Udine, Italy.
- September 2006: "Third International School on Biology, Computation and Information" (BCI 2006), Dobbiaco (BZ),
Italy. In this school I attended the following courses:
- Simplified Protein Models and Constraint Programming Approaches to the Protein Folding Problem, prof. Sebastian Will, University of Freiburg, Germany.
- An Overview of Protein Structure and of the Experimental Techniques used to determine them, prof. Hugo Luis Monaco and prof. Massimiliano Perduca, University of Verona, Italy.
- Algorithmic and Complexity issues in Structure Prediciton and/or Determination, prof. Romeo Rizzi, University of Udine, Italy.
- September 2006: "Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics" (WCB06) and "Twelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming" (CP 2006), Nantes, France.
- March 2007: "Workshop Progetto Miur Prin 2005", Padova, Italy.
- July 2007: "Fourth International School on Biology, Computation and Information" (BCI 2007), Trieste,
Italy. Courses were held by the following three speakers:
- Dr. Michael Brudno, Toronto University, Canada.
- Prof. Nello Cristianini, Bristol University, UK.
- Dr. Elia Stupka, CBM (Cluster in Biomedicine) Trieste, Italy.
- September 2007: "Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics" (WCB07) and "23rd International Conference on Logic Programming" (ICLP 2007), Porto, Portugal.
- October 2007 - December 2007: Research stay at INRIA Paris, Rocquencourt.
- May 2008: "Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics" (WCB08) and "Fifth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems" (CPAIOR 2008), Paris, France.
- September 2008: "Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification" (GAMES 2008), Warsaw, Poland.
- December 2008: "Informatics Education Europe III" (IEEIII 2008), Venice, Italy.
- December 2008: "24th International Conference on Logic Programming" (ICLP 2008), Udine, Italy.
- January 2009: "Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science" (LFCS 2009), Deerfield Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
- April 2009 - April 2010: Post-doc ERCIM fellowship at INRIA Paris, Rocquencourt. Scientific contact: François Fages.
- June 2009: Research stay of one week at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Scientific contact: Joke Blom.
- August-September 2009: "6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology" (CMSB 2009), Bologna, Italy.
- September 2009: Research stay of one week at Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI, Sankt Augustin, Germany. Scientific contact: Martin Hofmann-Apitius.
- June 2010: "Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs: Modélisation formelle de réseaux
de régulation biologique", Ile de Porquerolles,
France. Courses were held by the following speakers:
- Gilles Bernot, I3S Sophia Antipolis, France.
- Jean-Paul Comet, I3S Sophia Antipolis, France
- François Fages, INRIA Rocquencourt, France.
- François Boulier, LIFL Lille, France.
- Stefan Schuster, Jena, Germany
- Élisabeth Rémy, IML Marseille, France.
- Alexander Bockmayr, Berlin, Germany.
- Olivier Roux, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France.
- Cédric Lhoussaine, LIFL Lille, France.
- Guillaume Beslon, INSA Lyon, France.
- July 2010: "24th European Conference on Operational Research" (EURO 2010), Lisbon, Portugal.
- September 2010: "42ème Congrès annuel de la Societé Francophone de Chronobiologie" (SFC2010), La Colle sur Loup, France.
- September 2010: "9th European Conference on Computational Biology" (ECCB10), Ghent, Belgium.