Welcome to Elisabetta De Maria's Homepage
Journal Papers
- E. De Maria, F. Fages, A. Rizk, and S. Soliman.
Design, Optimization, and Predictions of a Coupled Model of the Cell Cycle, Circadian Clock, DNA Repair System, Irinotecan Metabolism and Exposure Control under Temporal Logic Constraints. Accepted for the Special Issue of the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science C devoted to selected papers from CMSB 2009. - F. Fages, G. Batt, E. De Maria, A. Rizk, and S. Soliman.
Computational systems biology in BIOCHAM. ERCIM news, 82, July 2010.
International Conferences and Workshops
- E. De Maria, A. Montanari, and M. Zantoni.
Checking workflow schemas with time constraints using timed automata. Extended abstract. In OTM Workshops 2005, LNCS 3762, Springer, Agia Napa, Cyprus, Novermber 2005, pp.1-2. [pdf] - E. De Maria, A. Montanari, and M. Zantoni.
An automaton-based approach to the verification of timed workfow schemas. In Proceedings of TIME 2006: 13th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), IEEE Computer Society Press, Budapest, Hungary, June 2006, pp.87-94. [pdf] - E. De Maria, A. Dovier, A. Montanari, and C. Piazza.
Exploiting Model Checking in Constraint-based Approaches to the Protein Folding. In Proceedings of WCB06: Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics (associated to CP 2006), Nantes, France, September 2006, pp.46-54. [paper] [slides] - E. De Maria, M. Zantoni, A. Dovier, and A. Policriti.
Module identification using biological constraint. In Proceedings of WCB07: Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics (associated to ICLP 2007), Porto, Portugal, September 2007, pp.20-29. [paper] - E. De Maria, A. Montanari, and N. Vitacolonna.
Games on strings with a limited order relation . In GAMES 2008: Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification, Warsaw, Poland, September 2008. [slides] - E. De Maria, A. Montanari, and N. Vitacolonna.
Games on Strings with a Limited Order Relation . In Proceedings of LFCS 2009: Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LNCS 5407, Springer, Deerfield Beach, Florida, U.S.A., January 2009, pp. 164-179. - E. De Maria, F. Fages, and S. Soliman.
On Coupling Models using Model-Checking: Effects of Irinotecan Injections on the Mammalian Cell Cycle . In Proceedings of CMSB 2009: 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, LNBI 5688, Springer-Verlag, Bologna, Italy, August-September 2009, pp. 142-157. - E. De Maria, F. Fages, A. Rizk, and S. Soliman.
Design, Optimization, and Predictions of a Coupled Model of the Cell Cycle, Circadian Clock, DNA Repair System, Irinotecan Metabolism and Exposure Control under Temporal Logic Constraints . Poster at ECCB10: 9th European Conference on Computational Biology, Ghent, Belgium, September 2010.
Technical Reports
- E. De Maria, A. Montanari, and M. Zantoni.
Checking workflow schemas with time constraints using timed automata. Technical Report UDMI/06/05, University of Udine, Mathematics and Computer Science Dept., 2005. - E. De Maria, F. Fages, and S. Soliman.
Model-based Predictions of the Influence of Cirdadian Clock Genes Knock-Outs on the Cell Cycle. INRIA Research Report n. 7064. June 2009.
Ph.D. Thesis
- E. De Maria.
Computer Science Logic for Structure Prediction, String Comparison, and Biological Pathway Analysis. Supervisor: A. Montanari. [pdf]